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SEO Expert in Melbourne

SEO Expert Melbourne

Getting your business a genuine SEO consultant is very important. With so many digital agencies that promise to offer you the best SEO services in the town, choosing the correct one can be a real task.

One should look out for social proof and brand reliability while choosing the right SEO Expert.

Rank My Business is one of the most proficient and reliable SEO agencies in Melbourne that shall stimulate your online marketing efforts. Our SEO consultant offer everything pertaining to different facets of SEO in areas of work such as content, strategy, link building, and digital PR. We enhance your business on the right path with comprehensive research and strategic vision. With good practices that our SEO experts follow, we make sure that your websites show good search engine rankings.

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    Staying at par with the changes

    SEO tactics have always changes for the betterment of the business. Whilst methods go under modification, there have been rise in the SEO updates as well.  Your website would mean nothing if these results don’t show up. We then come into the picture, ensuring our SEO plans are at par with the changes. With an industry that sees maximum changes and updates every alternate day, we make sure that we are upskilled and rank our client’s business accordingly. Rank My Business is the wisest choice you can ever make for your business.

    Soaring high

    Every business has a desire to be on top and we help them to make it big. We strive to rank your website/business high on the search engines to make you SEO spend worth. A website on the first page of a search engine is beneficial and can earn you a lot of return on investment, vastly increasing the business. Rank My Business ensures that your investment on us would not go wrong and will be worthy in all aspects- creating more traffic, generating exemplary leads and good business.

    Why does your business need SEO Service?

    With the help of SEO services, your website can rank higher in the search engine organically. Rankings add fuel to the business by creating more traffic to your site and builds more exposure and sales.

    How long does SEO take?

    Like any good things take time, same is the case with SEO. To have better rankings, SEO requires regular practice and you can see some results. Initially, rankings on google will be through vague keywords. But gradually, you can see the rankings with more prominent keywords. SEO is a process which shall show results after a specific time period. However, for immediate results, PPC marketing is something which you should look for. But only SEO can build your business and create possible opportunities in the long run.

    Does SEO help increase my business name?

    SEO boosts your business by creating many potential leads and help you reach your targets. Hiring  SEO expert can help your business grow manifold times and track your customers in an economical way.

    What Clients Say About us

    Our SEO services help you outshine in the market

    Escalate your revenue

    Our SEO expert help you generate qualified traffic that multiplies your revenue.

    Creates more exposure

    With the help of SEO, there are high chances of expanding your business by ranking higher on google. We help consumers divert to your website on the search engine results.

    New customers on board

    Our SEO services attracts more customers to your website, product or service than any other method of online advertising.

    Daily report

    Our SEO expert practice a daily ritual of sending your every day rankings to keep you updated and informed. This ensures the progress and downfall of the rankings.

    How do we augment your SEO?

    SEO is a continuous process and our SEO expert practice a strict process that includes brainstorming, online strategies and working on different social media sites. It is a cumulative work that takes help from all the possible resources. Our SEO expert undergo major research, ranking analysis, reviews and execution. Staying updated with the latest changes on SEO helps us to sustain in this competitive field.

    How SEO is executed?

    SEO is a part of digital marketing and a method to enhance the ranking of a website on search engines like Google. Our SEO expert have successfully augmented the ranking of different businesses on Google. This has directly led to increases potential leads, sales and revenue. 

    Functioning of SEO

    Digital marketing solely functions on SEO and it is important to ace it. Our SEO expert target consumers that are searching for SEO services. This results in creating potential leads faster and earning more revenue. We assure that our marketing efforts are effective in getting the desired results.

    Some numbers to chew on

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    Some Of Our Clients

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    How does Rank My Business work?

    Our approach to SEO is simple and long-lasting. Knowing that marketing efforts solely work on SEO, our SEO experts have an eye to all the details. A considerable amount of data combined with different techniques is used to establish user-friendly experience on your site, mobile and blogs. With our engaging and compelling content on the webpages, we try to create links, organic search and online presence.

    Social campaigns are something we stress on in order to generate good leads. Campaigns are influential and can get the much-needed attention a brand aspires. We plan strategies and goals depending upon the client’s needs in order to achieve the desired results. We make it a point to communicate with our customers every day to keep them updated with daily progress and changes.

    We work on three major steps to get our SEO ranking high.

    Collection of information

    We spend the first fifteen days in gathering of information, keyword research, planning and strategising.

    Basic Information from Client

    We communicate with business owners to understand their business in regards to their products, services, target audience, present and future business designs, marketing process etc. Our SEO Consultation shall also go through the website and recommend the necessary changes.

    Competitor Scrutiny

    SEO being a transparent tool on Google, the tactics used for higher rankings by SEO experts of competitors can be known. Thus, it is necessary to have competitor analysis is done and our SEO specialist shall do the needful.

    Website review

    The website is the face of the business should be audited before starting off with SEO services. We undertake a complete analysis of the website to understand its existing glitches.

    Keyword research

    To increase the leads, we use the data of statistics which includes traffic volume, search volume and relevancy to get the commonly used keywords online.

    On-page optimization

    This is most crucial as a major chunk of SEO is implemented by Onsite Optimization

    Website Experience

    Our SEO consultants shall undergo a review of the website’s content, layout and aesthetics. We will explore the opportunities of beautification by using our graphic designers and website designers.

    Onsite optimisation

    While major SEO is undertaken by Onsite Optimization, it holds a lot of importance. So, with the results of the previous steps, our SEO experts will be in a good position to strategize and apply onsite optimisation. 

    Unique matter

    Copied content is not allowed on Google. So, we ensure that unique content is uploaded on the website.


    We have bunch of copywriters who are best at their jobs who create or rework on the existing contents on the website.

    Internal & External link

    Our SEO specialists analyse the website’s internal and external process.


    We make sure that the business profile on Google is updated with current changes.

    Off-Page SEO

    After getting through with the two important stages Rank My Business stresses on social campaigns, the domain and page authority. This is done with a mix of several vital factors such as links, social media and received data.

    Link building

    This is a significant form of web PR and is a very important SEO technique. It can get complicated and worse if not done properly. Many SEO agencies fail in doing so but our SEO experts are efficient at it.

    Content creation

    Content is the the foundation of SEO. Rank My Business creates engaging and compelling content that works best for your business and the website.

    Social Media

    Social media is booming in the market. We make complete use of social media to advertise our services and use SEO on these platforms.

    Get SEO services from our SEO Expert in Melbourne

    Rank My Business has a proficient team of SEO Expert that make all the marketing efforts worth and effective. Staying updated to all kinds of latest developments on Google algorithms and SEO techniques, we are at par with our peers. Being regular with our work, our team is super quick, intelligent and good decision-makers. We strive to improve your business rankings which will directly lead to potential leads, higher sales and increased revenue.  The above stages are religiously followed chronologically so that the desired outcome is easily achieved. We ensure that all possible means of SEO methods are followed by our SEO Expert in order to meet the targets.

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